How to NAIL your hiring strategy and get set up for success in 2023
Feb 08, 2023
The amazing Steph Gorton recently asked me to chat about hiring on her podcast. (What an honour, right?!)
She asked me my #1 piece of advice for small business owners looking to scale their team in 2023, and this was my answer:
Build a hiring strategy – with a focus on attraction.
If you’re looking to scale your business this year, I guarantee that doing this one thing will bring you success. It’s not as difficult as it may sound, and I’ve already shared all the resources you need to make it a reality. A lot of them are free on my website, podcast and blog!
So let’s look at just how you’ll nail your hiring strategy for 2023. Make yourself a hot cuppa, find a comfy seat, and let’s dig in.
Step 1: Get out of your own way
Understand why you HAVE to hire.
You’ve probably seen the reels on Instagram about the solopreneur who works hard in her job as business owner… and accountant… and sales team… and marketing director… and admin manager. So many hats to wear ha ha ha.
But, honestly, who in their right mind WANTS to do all that?
Social media might make ‘hustle culture’ seem like the norm – it could even seem glamorous – but it’s just not sustainable. And not only will it burn you out and wear you down, it’ll actually limit your business.
Hiring more people in your business allows you to bring on more clients and do more. It lets you focus on the work that excites you, so you can actually DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. (I don’t know about you, but for me that doesn’t look like fiddling about with tech.)
So, queen, ask yourself if you’re standing in your own way. Are you scared to hire in 2023 because you’re stuck in the mindset of doing it on your own and ‘seeing where it goes’? You can dream bigger than that. Think about what you can achieve when it’s more than just you in this business.
If you’re battling with imposter syndrome or the inability to justify hiring for your business, then you’d better listen to this: The real reason you haven't hired anyone yet 😬and how to get out of your own way with Miss Mindset
Step 2: Realise it’s not about you
Attract the BEST candidates by focusing on what’s in it for them.
The next thing you need to get your head around if you’re planning to scale your team in 2023 is what you’re doing to ATTRACT the best talent. I could talk about attraction All. Damn. Day.
A lot of small business owners worry that they can’t compete against big companies hiring for the same roles. Have you ever had this thought: Why would anyone want to work for little old me?
Truth is, you actually have a lot to offer. You just need to highlight this in your job adverts. Make it about what you can offer a candidate – not what you need them to do for you.
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is not having a hiring strategy that focuses on attraction. I’ve worked with giant corporates, like banks that have 2,000 job openings at any one time. Trust me, they’re not thinking about the jobs they need done in the business – they’re focusing all their efforts on building an attraction strategy that ensures the best and most skilled candidates are applying.
Your hiring strategy HAS to focus on attracting people.
Listen to this for more context: It is not about you 🙄 Why attraction is so important and how it will secure your superstar ✨🌟
Step 3: Build your hiring strategy
There are two ways of going about it.
- Grab your copy of The Hiring Playbook and simply follow the steps and use the provided templates to perfect your strategy on your own.
- Book a free strategy call with Hiring Advantage, and learn how our bespoke hiring advice can help you tailor a strategy for your business.
Not sure which option makes the most sense for you? Check out my blog post on DIY Hiring vs Recruitment Support.
Okay, now it’s Go-Time.
If 2023 is going to be your year for reaching your dreams, scaling your team, and achieving the life you want, NOW is the time to build out the hiring strategy that will get you there.
Actually, let me reframe that:
2023 IS going to be your year.
Think big and act bold with your hiring, and you’ll exceed your own expectations – no doubt about it! Let’s go, queen.
Get started with The Hiring Playbook, or book a free strategy call today!
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