Women should stop trying to do it all. Here’s my why (and how)!
Mar 08, 2023
My belief?
Women should stop trying to have it all or do it all.
But… I think women should be able to get what they want, whenever they want.
How, Chrissy?
It’s as simple as asking for support.
I want to make it super clear from the get-go - women can be leaders. They can build powerful, successful, incredible businesses. They can hire dream teams so they can grow the role of their dreams, and provide freedom and support for other women (hello, that’s what Hiring Advantage does!).
But - and this is a big but - entrepreneurs and solopreneurs are at a super high risk of burnout and imposter syndrome - particularly high flying women. According to one study, entrepreneurs are twice as likely as the general population to experience depression, three times as likely to suffer from addiction and six times as likely to struggle with ADHD.
And, thanks to our traditional gender roles from times gone by, Marie Clare and Salesforce found that 21 per cent of women surveyed found it difficult to achieve work-life balance, while 18 per cent were challenged by the workload of running a business, not to mention a household on top of that.
So, how do we flip the unsustainable narrative of women juggling the workload and doing it all?
I’ve got the answer: the way we do business needs to change.
Hiring Advantage wants to give women in business the flexibility, balance, financial independence and meaningful work they crave by scaling their businesses with the notion of having a team.
Yep, you heard me. Having support. Doing the soul work that they love & leaving the work that they aren’t experts in, to people that are the pros.
I can hear you saying already… “I can’t afford it”, “I don’t think it’s possible for my business”... and let me tell you, it is.
How do I know this?
I built my own business from the ground up, and within two years, I have a successful business with a team of empowered, female staff who make running a heart-centred organisation something I love, rather than running on a treadmill everyday.
How did I do it?
- I became passionate about hiring support early on to allow me to work on the parts of the business that light me up
- I passionately hire people who love the work they do, but their work fits into their family
- I built flexible roles. Flexibility has become a key in attracting & retaining vital employees (note: women)
In my program, The Hiring Playbook, we talk about how you spend your time as a biz owner - and then, hiring a team to allow you to step into a role that lights you up. Because the business culture comes from the top down.
And the stats don’t lie…
Research by Marie Claire and Salesforce revealed the main factors for women taking the leap into business ownership in Australia. 56% wanted more flexibility, 49% wanted more work-life balance, 46% wanted to be their own boss, 31% wanted to make more money - and the list goes on for growth.
Hiring Advantages encourages women to go after their dreams and scale their businesses through hiring, creating lifestyle benefits for yourself and your team.
We are helping women worldwide achieve this through our course, The Hiring Playbook.
What better time to join than International Women’s Day?
With love,
Chrissy Saffioti is the founder of Hiring Advantage, a recruitment agency on New South Wales’ north coast that helps small businesses scale through strategic talent acquisition. Follow Chrissy and her journey at https://www.instagram.com/hiringadvantage/ or enquire about her services here: https://www.hiringadvantage.com.au/.
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